// NOTE: Ben's Config v4.3 is now available and can be found on game banana: http://gamebanana.com/css/scripts/7629 // TO ENABLE: Place this file in the "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\*your steam name*\counter-strike source\cstrike\cfg" directory and name it "autoexec.cfg" (without quotes) // Please email any questions or feedback to tomrben@gmail.com // This script is fully customizable, edit it as you see fit. // Adding "//" to the beginning of any command line will disable that command. Removing "//" will enable that command. // HUD Settings: Advanced customization commands of HUD, etc. cl_autowepswitch "0" // "1" Automatically switches to picked up weapon | "0" Disables cl_autohelp "0" // "1" Enables in-game help | "0" Disables cl_crosshairalpha "200" // Sets transparency of cross hair: Smaller number = higher transparency. cl_crosshaircolor "3" // Sets color of cross hair | "0" Green | "1" Red | "2" Blue | "3" Yellow | "4" Light Blue cl_crosshairscale "2500" // Sets size of cross hair: Smaller number = larger cross hair. // cl_crosshairusealpha "0" // "1" Enables cross hair transparency | "0" Disables cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" // "1" Cross hair expands when you walk | "0" Disables cl_radaralpha "200" // Sets radar transparency: Smaller number = higher transparency. cl_radartype "0" // "1" Radar turns with player | "0" Radar is locked in position cl_righthand "1" // "1" Gun held right handed | "0" Gun held left handed cl_showfps "1" // "1" Shows fps in top right corner of screen | "0" Disables hud_centerid "1" // "1" Shows player's name under cross hair | "0" Shows name in lower left part of screen hud_classautokill "0" // "1" Enables automatic suicide after character model change | "0" Disables hud_fastswitch "1" // "1" Enables fast weapon switching | "0" Disables hud_saytext_time 6 // Sets number of seconds to display multilayer chat text. //net_graph "3" // "3" Enables net_graph | "0" Disables //net_graphheight "80" // Sets net_graph vertical position: Smaller number = lower graph position //net_graphpos "1" // "1" net_graph aligned to right side of screen | "2" middle of screen | "3" left of screen // ------------------------ // Miscellaneous Settings: Other customizations and commands. cl_c4dynamiclight "1" // "1" Enables bigger blinking C4 light | "0" Disables cl_downloadfilter "nosounds" // "none" Disables all server downloads | "nosounds" Disables pub server sound downloads | "all" Enables all downloads cl_minmodels "1" // "1" Enables minmodels | "0" Disables cl_min_ct "2" // Sets the CT minmodel | "1" Seal Team 6 | "2" GSG-9 | "3" SAS | "4" GIGN cl_min_t "4" // Sets the T minmodel | "1" Phoenix Connection | "2" Elite Crew | "3" Arctic Avengers | "4" Guerrilla Warfare con_enable "1" // "1" Enables developer's console | "0" Disables jpeg_quality "100" // Sets JEPG screen shot quality. m_customaccel "0" // Sets a custom acceleration curve | "0" Disables m_filter "0" // "1" Enables mouse movement filter | "0" Disables mp_decals "300" // Sets number of decals that will be shown, (such as player sprays, bullet holes, and blood). Use in conjuncture with "r_decals". zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.0" // Sets sensitivity ratio for when using a scoped weapon. // ------------------------ // FPS Settings: Settings that will allow you to get better fps without ruining the look or feel of the game. (I experienced 25-60 more fps, depending on map.) cl_ejectbrass "0" // "1" Enables bullet shell casing on ground | "0" disables cl_forcepreload "1" // "1" Preloads game assets at level start | "0" Disables //func_break_max_pieces "0" // "1" Sets number of broken object that can be displayed at the same time | "0" All objects disappear when broken //mat_dxlevel "81" // Sets DirectX level | "81" DirectX 8 | mat_dxlevel "95" mat_specular "0" // "1" Enables metallic shine on weapons and metal objects | "0" Disables //props_break_max_pieces "0" // "1" Objects break into smaller pieces, then disappearing. "0" Objects disappear when broken. r_3dsky "0" // "1" Enables 3D sky | "0" Disables r_3dnow "1" // "1" Enables 3DNow instructions | "0" Disables r_mmx "1" // "1" Enables MMX instructions | "0" Disables r_sse "1" // "1" Enables SSE instructions | "0" Disables r_sse2 "1" // "1" Enables SSE2 instructions | "0" Disables // ------------------------ // Net Code Settings: Corrects your rates for better registration and ping. cl_cmdrate "101" cl_interp "0.01" cl_interpolate "1" cl_lagcomp_errorcheck "1" cl_lagcompensation "1" cl_smooth "1" cl_updaterate "101" rate "25000" // ------------------------ // Miscellaneous Binds: Different binds you may find useful. // Adding "//" to the beginning of a bind command line will disable that bind. Removing "//" will enable that command. bind "space" "+jump" // Space = jump bind "mwheelup" "+jump" // Mouse wheel up = Jump bind "mwheeldown" "+jump" // Mouse wheel down = Jump unbind "f" // unbinds "f" key (flashlight) bind "backspace" "impulse 100" // backspace = use flashlight bind "f4" "exec autoexec.cfg" // F4 = re-execute this config bind "f5" "jpeg" // F5 = take JPEG screen shot unbind "f10" // unbinds F10 (quit) bind "f10" "kill" // F10 = player suicides // ------------------------ // Buy Binds // kp_ is the prefix for Keypad buttons. (eg: "kp_uparrow") // You may add multiple buy commands to one key. (eg: bind "kp_plus" "buy awp;buy deagle;buy hegrenade") // BY DEFULT ALL BUY BINDS ARE DISABLED //bind "kp_end" "buy hegrenade" //bind "kp_downarrow" "buy flashbang" //bind "kp_pgdn" "buy smokegrenade" //bind "kp_rightarrow" "buy vesthelm" //bind "kp_5" "buy defuser" //bind "kp_leftarrow" "buy vest" //bind "kp_home" "buy ak47;buy m4a1" //bind "kp_uparrow" "buy deagle" //bind "kp_pgup" "buy awp" //bind "kp_plus" "buy hegrenade;buy flashbang;buy flashbang;buy smokegrenade;buy vesthelm;buy defuser" // ------------------------ // Alias Binds // Auto Cross Hair Color: Press F1 to rotate through the five different crosshair colors alias "chcolor" "ccolor1" alias "ccolor1" "cl_crosshaircolor 4; echo CH Color: Ltblue; alias chcolor ccolor2" alias "ccolor2" "cl_crosshaircolor 0; echo CH Color: Green; alias chcolor ccolor3" alias "ccolor3" "cl_crosshaircolor 1; echo CH Color: Red; alias chcolor ccolor4" alias "ccolor4" "cl_crosshaircolor 2; echo CH Color: Blue; alias chcolor ccolor5" alias "ccolor5" "cl_crosshaircolor 3; echo CH Color: Yellow; alias chcolor ccolor1" bind "f1" "chcolor" // Auto Cross Hair Size: Press F2 to rotate through five different crosshair sizes alias "chsize" "csize1" alias "csize1" "cl_crosshairscale 3000; echo CH Scale: 3000; alias chsize csize2" alias "csize2" "cl_crosshairscale 1200; echo CH Scale: 1200; alias chsize csize3" alias "csize3" "cl_crosshairscale 1700; echo CH Scale: 1700; alias chsize csize4" alias "csize4" "cl_crosshairscale 2200; echo CH Scale: 2200; alias chsize csize5" alias "csize5" "cl_crosshairscale 2500; echo CH Scale: 2500; alias chsize csize1" bind "f2" "chsize" // Auto Cross Hair Alpha: Press F3 to rotate through four different crosshair transparencies [cl_crosshairusealpha must be "1" to use] alias "chalpha" "calpha1" alias "calpha1" "cl_crosshairalpha 225; echo CH Alpha: 225; alias chalpha calpha2" alias "calpha2" "cl_crosshairalpha 200; echo CH Alpha: 200; alias chalpha calpha3" alias "calpha3" "cl_crosshairalpha 175; echo CH Alpha: 175; alias chalpha calpha4" alias "calpha4" "cl_crosshairalpha 150; echo CH Alpha: 150; alias chalpha calpha1" bind "f3" "chalpha" // Auto CT Minmodels: Press [ to rotate through the four different CT character minmodels alias "ctmin" "ctmin1" alias "ctmin1" "cl_min_ct 3; echo Seal Team 6; alias ctmin ctmin2" alias "ctmin2" "cl_min_ct 4; echo GSG-9; alias ctmin ctmin3" alias "ctmin3" "cl_min_ct 1; echo SAS; alias ctmin ctmin4" alias "ctmin4" "cl_min_ct 2; echo GIGN; alias ctmin ctmin1" bind "[" "ctmin" // Auto T Minmodels: Press ] to rotate through the four different CT character minmodels. alias "tmin" "tmin1" alias "tmin1" "cl_min_t 1; echo Phoenix Connexion; alias tmin tmin2" alias "tmin2" "cl_min_t 2; echo Elite Crew; alias tmin tmin3" alias "tmin3" "cl_min_t 3; echo Arctic Avengers; alias tmin tmin4" alias "tmin4" "cl_min_t 4; echo Guerrilla Warfare; alias tmin tmin1" bind "]" "tmin" clear echo "*********************************************" echo " Ben's Config v3.1 (League Compliant) Loaded " echo " Email questions to tomrben@gmail.com " echo "*********************************************" echo ""