// Ingamemenu with extra Function. // Made for all who want´s. // Made by -=G-S=- MassiveGod aka empty . // Thanks to all Forums they help me. // Visit us at www.Ghost-Soldiers.de.tc "GameMenu" { "1" { "label" "www.Ghost-Soldiers.de.tc" "command" "engine echo Visit us at www.ghost-soldiers.de.tc" } "2" { "label" "" "command" "" } "3" { "label" "" "command" "" } "4" { "label" "" "command" "" } "5" { "label" "" "command" "" } "6" { "label" "|Steam-ID´s Anzeigen|" "command" "engine showconsole;echo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;echo | - CURRENTLY PLAYING ON THIS SERVER - |;echo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;status" "OnlyInGame" "1" } "7" { "label" "" "command" "" } "8" { "label" "" "command" "engine echo www.ghost-soldiers.de.tc" } "9" { "label" "" "command" "" } "10" { "label" "| Console |" "command" "engine toggleconsole" } "11" { "label" "" "command" "" } "12" { "label" "| Resume | " "command" "ResumeGame" "OnlyInGame" "1" } "13" { "label" "" "command" "" } "14" { "label" "| Disconnect |" "command" "Disconnect" "OnlyInGame" "1" } "15" { "label" "" "command" "" } "16" { "label" "| Players |" "command" "OpenPlayerListDialog" "OnlyInGame" "1" } "17" { "label" "" "command" "" } "39" { "label" "" "command" "" "OnlyInGame" "1" } "40" { "label" "| Ghost-Soldiers Public Server |" "command" "engine connect" } "60" { "label" "" "command" "" } "60" { "label" "" "command" "" "OnlyInGame" "1" } "42" { "label" "| Internet-Games-suchen |" "command" "OpenServerBrowser" } "43" { "label" "" "command" "" } "44" { "label" "| Lan-Game-starten |" "command" "OpenCreateMultiplayerGameDialog" } "45" { "label" "" "command" "" } "46" { "label" "| Freunde |" "command" "OpenFriendsDialog" } "47" { "label" "" "command" "" "OnlyInGame" "1" } "48" { "label" "" "command" "" } "49" { "label" "| Grafiktest |" "command" "OpenBenchmarkDialog" } "50" { "label" "" "command" "" } "51" { "label" "| Demo-Player |" "command" "engine demoui" } "51" { "label" "" "command" "" } "52" { "label" "| Spiel-Einstellungen |" "command" "OpenOptionsDialog" } "53" { "label" "" "command" "" } "55" { "label" "" "command" "" } "55" { "label" "" "command" "" } "56" { "label" "| Set Downloadfilter |" "command" "engine showconsole;echo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;echo | - CL_DOWNLOADFILTER NOW CHANGED - |;echo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;toggle cl_downloadfilter none all nosounds" } "60" { "label" "" "command" "" } "57" { "label" "| Netgraph ON/OFF |" "command" "engine showconsole;echo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;echo - Netgraph ON/OFF -;echo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^;incrementvar net_graph 0 1 1" } "60" { "label" "" "command" "" } "54" { "label" "| Spiel-Beenden |" "command" "Quit" } "60" { "label" "" "command" "" } "58" { "label" "| Ghost-Soldiers Game-Menu |" "command" "engine echo Erstellt von -=G-S=- MassiveGod fuer den Ghost-Soldiers Clan und alle Freunde" } "59" { "label" "" "command" "" } "60" { "label" "" "command" "" } }